miercuri, 29 iunie 2011

Trip True Friend and Blue

...Si cica asta s'ar traduce "prietenul adevarat,unic si albastru"-frumos,nu?
Desi timpul a trecut relativ repede,exista anumite lucruri care'mi par atat de statice.Dupa cum obisnuiam mereu sa spun,de ceva timp,am tot avut vaga impresie ca timpul sta pe loc,noi fiind cei ce'l traverseaza.Probabil,pentru multi,o aberatie. Cateodata si pentru mine.

Momentan,nu am putut sa nu observ aceleasi rahaturi ambulante ce graviteaza in jurul universului meu. Nu am putut sa nu urasc aceiasi oameni atat de iubiti si idolatrizati.Aceiasi oameni acri,aceiasi oameni duri si reci.Nu am putut sa nu iubesc acea stare de ura si de disperare.Aceleasi momente in care nu stiam de ce si pentru ce se petrecea totul.Nu am putut inceta sa'mbin realitatea cu literatura,nu am putut inceta sa fiu o alta figura de ceara,intr'o armata anonima. Pur si simplu nu am putut.

duminică, 26 iunie 2011

Atunci l-am sfaramat.

Si toate amintirile frumoase
vor ramane legate
de acelasi suflet.
Acum singur
si deziluzionat.   
Multumit insa...
Multumit,ca pentru cateva momente
a ajuns la acel apogeu,frumos!
Trist si pierdut.
Pierdut pentru ca totul s-a rupt,
pentru ca ii pare rau,
pentru ca nu a luptat mai mult.
oare,sufletul va ramane acelasi?

Da,stiu,am mai postat asta o data...candva,demult. Insa,sunt sigura ca'ntre timp ati si uitat...

joi, 23 iunie 2011

Islands|Love the way you lie

I don't have to leave anymore
'Cause all I have's right here
Spending nights and days before
I am yours now
So I don't ever have to leave
I am yours now,I am your now
But if you stand there and watch me burn
It's alright,because I like the way it hurts
But if you stand there and make me cry
I don't mind,because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Well,I don't have to leave anymore
'Cause all I have's right here
Spending nights and days before
I am yours now,so I don't ever have to leave
I am yours now,I am yours now
But if you stand there and watch me burn
It's alright,because I like the way it hurts
But if you stand there and make me cry
I don't mind,because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
But if you stand there and watch me burn
It's alright,because I like the way it hurts
And if you stand there and make me cry
I don't mind,because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

The Pretty Reckless -Islands/Love the way you lie

sâmbătă, 18 iunie 2011


  All I need now are fucking answers that I can't find. Why?
I was just talking to someone. I was praying...I guess. And then I was blaming and asking and...I don't really know. I don't think it was God,I was never faithfull...but,I felt like it was something behind human life,something behind my crazy mind,that I will never understand. Actually,I've never understood myself,but neither have others.
Always listening the same music.The same song.The same lyrics. Sometimes it may happen to remember the lyrics after the first time I hear a song...and sometimes I just can't,even if I listen to the same stupid song again and again and again...
Pff...it's just so terrifying,there are so many moments when I feel like a puppet,like marionette. Usually,in those times I use to listen a song with the same name "Marionette". And sometimes I just feel so alive like "I just wanna live/Don't really care about the things that they say/Don't really care about what happens to me/I just wanna live"... 
So,this is who I really am?-Someone who doesn't even know who she really is?

duminică, 12 iunie 2011

Live your life

Dupa o oarecare perioada controversata,in care nu prea stiam ce e cu mine,sa zicem ca m'am mai linistit.

Nu stiu exact ce'a fost cu toate fazele stupide prin care am trecut si nu le inteleg scopul.Credeam ca,probabil,imi va lua cateva luni ca sa trec pe deplin peste toate rahaturile care mi'au iesit in cale. Dar,de fapt...a fost suficienta doar o luna. Ceea ce e relativ ciudat. Pot spune ca sunt destul de introvertita din puctul asta de vedere. Am invatat sa ascund f bine durerea si suferinta. Cateodata atitudinea mea transmitand doar...indiferenta. De multe ori am fost numita "nepasatoare" sau "rea". Ma rog,nu pot spune ca sunt neaparat asa. Dar nici ca nu sunt. Sunt un om normal. Si ca toate plevele am si eu momente bune si momente rele.Desi,consider ca aceasta indiferenta,transmisa de multe persoane,nu doar de mine...este doar un scut. Majoritatea oamenilor raniti ajung sa raneasca la randul lor pentru a se proteja. Ceea ce e destul de fascinant,privind toata situatie dintr'o perspectiva psihologica. In fine,asta e un alt subiect.

Momentan am din nou acea senzatia ca "sunt unde trebuie sa fiu". Stare ce nu'mi mai trecuse prin minte de mult.Dar,ma bucur ca a revenit. O data cu ea s'a reinstaurat si calmul de mult pierdut.Desi nu pare,eu sunt o persoana destul de calculata in ceea ce priveste trairile pe care le am sau sentimentele. Nu'mi place atunci cand pierd controlul si nu prea stiu ce e cu mine.Prefer sa ma bucur de fiecare zi,realizand ceea ce mi se intampla si de ce. Desi,de multe ori cam toate lucrurile sunt doar ...mistere pe care preferam sa le "savuram".In cele din urma,e ok si asa. Fiind mai linistita,ma pot reintoarce la vechia'mi activitate de "copil lenes mancator de dulciuri". Majoritatea anilor din viata mi i'am trait asa. Nu prea ma preocupa pe mine de ce se'nvarte pamatul sau de ce n'am trait in Londra aniilor '70. Ma bucuram doar de alternanta zi-noapte si de ceea ce a mai ramas din punk'ul acelei perioade. In fine,o data cu cresterea vine si maturitatea,cica.

Maturitatea asta nu imi prea place.Desi,majoaritatea oamenilor care poarta un dialog cu mine raman uimiti de "aceasta maturitate nespecifica varstei",eu pot spune ca nu actionez niciodata cu maturitate. E o mareeee diferenta intre teorie si practica. Da,teoretic pot vorbi cu tine ca si cum as avea 30 de ani. Poat avea cultura sau inteligenta unui om de 30 de ani. Dar felul meu de a fi este atat de infantil ,incat mereu obisnuiesc sa'mi zic " un copil de 7 ani e mult mai inteligent decat mine". Nu stiu daca e neaparat rau acest lucru,dar mai am timp sa trec prin viata. Acum,ma bucur de prezent,uitand de trecut si construindu'mi viitorul. Nu putem trai ancorati in trecut,deoarece mai devreme sau mai tarziu ne va devora. Si atunci,mi'e teama ca nu am exista asa cum ar trebui sa o facem.

Cam asta ar fi toata treaba.Cam astea ar fi toate chestiile. Mda,de la un timp la mine oamenii,sentimetele,starile,trairile,amintirile,pasajele....sunt doar chestii.

Pentru voi : Rihanna ft T.I-Live your Life.

joi, 9 iunie 2011

Another puppet!

O alta zi in care trebuie sa'mi amintesc cat de moarta sunt!
La multi ani,mie!

Have I ever lived you,life?

luni, 6 iunie 2011

In privinta nasterii si a mortii nu este nimic de facut. Ne putem doar bucura de pauza dintre ele.

sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2011


   It was a cloudy day of July. An unusual one,actually.The people were trying to hide their faces inside their little houses.No one was thinking,basically,they were just waiting. What?-Even today it's unknown.
  The sun couldn't be seen. The clouds were so gray,but so beautiful. It seemed like the only mission they had was to cover the sky.
  In her head was dispersing a 'stupid song',as she used to call it.'Tell me I'm frozen,what can I do?...'just lyrics. Lyrics that were haunting her thoughts.It was just another time that was passing by. Nothing left,nothing owned,nothing ever had.
   It started to rain. Such a mysterious rain. It was pure poison. All the people that were living in that city,have always hated the rain. But,she liked it. The only thing that was inspiring her.And, as always, she was standing in front of the window,watching the rain pouring. Suddenly a sound captivated her attention.The front door had been opened.It wasn't the storm and her parents were not at home. Fear. I don't know if it was fear. But...this was the only feeling that had crossed her mind,in that moment.She tried to go downstairs...but her legs were numb.It was so strange,it could be whatever,but that feeling...like someone had just stubbed her in the heart. She was frozen and she couldn't explain herself why. 
   Who or what was the 'thing' that opened the door and why was the whole home full of that negative feeling? And it kept raining more and more violently. A flash of light could be noticed in the sky and then a thunder...in the next moment there was no light in the house. She felt a weird presence. Still couldn't move and...warmly she felt a breathing over her neck.
"Hello,my little Sophia"...

To be continued...

vineri, 3 iunie 2011


Daca eram un anotimp as fi fost...iarna.
Daca eram o luna as fi fost...decembrie.
Daca eram o zi a saptamanii as fi fost...duminica.
Daca eram un animal marin as fi fost...rechin.
Daca eram un animal de uscat as fi fost...lup arctic.
Daca eram o virtute as fi fost...intelepciunea.
Daca eram o planeta as fi fost...Mercur.
Daca eram  un lichid as fi fost...lichidul cefalo-rahidian.
Daca eram o piatra as fi fost…topaz.
Daca eram o pasare as fi fost...tucan.
Daca eram o planta as fi fost...menta.
Daca eram o stare a vremii as fi fost…ploaia.
Daca eram un instrument as fi fost...contrabas.
Daca eram un sentinemt as fi fost...iubirea.
Daca eram un sunet as fi fost cel de...flaut
Daca eram un cantec as fi fost...Placebo- Black-eyed
Daca eram un film as fi fost...Engel & Joe.
Daca eram  un serial as fi fost...Dr. House.
Daca eram  un oras as fi fost...Las Vegas.
Daca eram un gust as fi fost...acru.
Daca eram o aroma as fi fost de...turta dulce.
Daca eram o culoare as fi fost...gri.
Daca eram un material as fi fost...matasea.
Daca eram o parte a corpului as fi fost...ochii.
Daca eram un drog as fi fost...heroina.
Daca eram un accesoriu as fi fost…esarfa.
Daca eram o expresie a fetei as fi fost...indiferenta.
Daca eram o materie as fi fost...istoria.
Daca eram un personaj de desen animat as fi fost...Dr Doofenshmirtz.
Daca eram o forma as fi fost...rotunda.
Daca eram un numar as fi fost...9
Daca eram o masina as fi fost...Porsche 911 Turbo S.
Daca eram o haina as fi fost…fular.

Randul tau,cititorule!

miercuri, 1 iunie 2011

Dialoguri nevorbite.

Ce cretinarii frate.
Easy,vreau ca voi sa scrieti un mesaj de ramas-bun.
Honestly man,you don't have to be polite!